5PAYE Calculator
1. Calculate your take home pay
The first step to understanding your financial health is to know exactly how much money you take home each payday.
2. Create a budget
After knowing your disposable income, you should then understand where your money goes.
Allocate your expenses to categories and look for ways to save money.
Create a BudgetSavings
3. Define your savings goals
If you managed to budget a surplus, you should put that extra money to work. Whether it's a for a treat or putting it away for a rainy day.
Plan for the future and know how long it might take.
Define Savings GoalsNet Worth
4. Work out your net worth
Add together your savings along with your other assets, then subtract what you owe (liabilities) to work out your net worth.
Work Out Net WorthRetirement
5. Forecast your retirement
Taking your current financial position, let's project it forward to see what your retirement might look like in the future.
Forecast RetirementUser Profile
Financial Summary
Complete and save all five steps of the financial toolbox to see a summary of your finances.
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